Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stage Three: 1:1 Model and sketches

Over the break, I wanted to see if my woven seat idea would actually work, so my dad and I made a rough stool one afternoon, based on a stool we've had for over 15 years (below).

We had a few construction issues, mostly that the drill we used to create the holes for the dowel pieces wasn't really well maintained and so was drilling inaccurate sized holes. So the stool is quite rickety...

Also, to attach some of the leather rings together I used wire which was all we had at the time, so I need to find a neater way to do this.

The rings are really comfortable to sit on, they stretch and move when you sit down.

I then thought briefly about how this stool might be stored, that's another issue I want to work on. I was just really trying to see if the seat would function, so the shape of the stool is just something we did to test this.

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