Sunday, August 29, 2010

Stage One: Reverse Art Truck.

I went to Reverse Art Truck last Thursday with Laura, we had a laugh trying to find it (couldn't enter it on the GPS...) and then I wasn't sure we were there, thought it would be a huge space but it was rather modest with a lot of interesting things instore.

I mostly picked out tubing or wire cabling cases. I think it would be really interesting to make something all twisted up with something poured inside to make it strong enough for seating.

I like the colour and thickness (or thinless) of this plastic covering. It could be really interesting to weave this.

This is a kind of small and soft rubber tubing. It's really easy to make into shapes and I love the shadows you can make with it. It has a really soft, interesting texture too.

This tubing is larger and less bendable. It also comes with black connector things, so I could easily make a long length and twist it into a shape.

I like that this has writing on it. You can clearly tell that it has been manufactured for a different purpose that to be made into cafe stools. Also like the rough texture the blue tape adds to the smooth plastic.

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