Sunday, August 29, 2010

Stage one: Centre Place Site Visit

I had never been to Centre Place before, so it was very interesting. I walked from Flinders Street Station and was amazed by the amount of small laneways/alleys that I had never noticed before. It was busier than I expected, most place in Melbourne don't open until later on a Sunday (in my experience anyway.) But it was bustling with people walking through, enjoying coffee and breakfast as well as some other people taking photographs like me.

I noticed that the spaces that were closed off were shut up by roller doors. Any cafe that was shut had these, so I was unable to look in and see how the furniture is stored.

This is where two cafes meet up? The furniture on the left is different than that on the right, although they are similiar in style. This is something to consider when doing this project, that the cafes tend to melt into each other so something different will make a business stand out.

There were lots of people ordering coffees and food on a take away basis as Centre Place seems to be partially an "on the way" place to go but also perhaps because some cafes were very crowded!
Staff were really upbeet and happily moved around stools and tables (indoors) to accomodate larger groups.

Stage one:The Campana Brothers

I love how the brothers have reinvented cane/wicker furniture. I have never really been a fan, wicker was always very standard, everybody had cane outdoor furniture, but this is so wonderful looking.

This is made from nine fake-fur covered cushions that are attached to a metal frame. The stuffing is Gellyfoam and Dacron foam and the fur is described as "ecological".

Stage One: Reverse Art Truck.

I went to Reverse Art Truck last Thursday with Laura, we had a laugh trying to find it (couldn't enter it on the GPS...) and then I wasn't sure we were there, thought it would be a huge space but it was rather modest with a lot of interesting things instore.

I mostly picked out tubing or wire cabling cases. I think it would be really interesting to make something all twisted up with something poured inside to make it strong enough for seating.

I like the colour and thickness (or thinless) of this plastic covering. It could be really interesting to weave this.

This is a kind of small and soft rubber tubing. It's really easy to make into shapes and I love the shadows you can make with it. It has a really soft, interesting texture too.

This tubing is larger and less bendable. It also comes with black connector things, so I could easily make a long length and twist it into a shape.

I like that this has writing on it. You can clearly tell that it has been manufactured for a different purpose that to be made into cafe stools. Also like the rough texture the blue tape adds to the smooth plastic.